This psychopath needs to leave me cows alone

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If you want to know who Bill Gates REALLY is? Watch this! Bill Gates is a monster.


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Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness is One of God's Ten Commandments and Fraud is a Criminal Offence. God also told us of the Seven Sins God dislikes the most, one of them being Greed, another is Lust, when people have been programmed, they have no conscience, they disregard God's Ten Commandments and instead have an insatiable appetite which cannot be satisfied, towards the Seven Sins God dislikes the most, and of course in their eyes money talks, however when money is controlled by one entity, which has no debt ceiling, the money can be given to those prepared to do the bidding, it is a downward spiral, running out of control, working on destruction of everything one does, instead of production. All life inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, while trees and plants takes in carbon dioxide and expels oxygen, Mother Earth is in perfect balance, is net zero part of the Depopulation Agenda, to allegedly steal lands which could inevitably cause a famine? When one looks at the destruction of Ukraine, one has to question, whether this has been orchestrated to indebt the west, and by whom, is it a Depopulation Agenda, as painful as it might be, for those who have a conscience, the question has to be asked, otherwise, could the same problem escalate to other countries ? Now we have a bill going through on Assisted Dying, which is rather disturbing, reading about false positives and the wrong medication which was given during the COVID plandemic, many people lost their lives, it is also now common knowledge that the injections were not a cure, but instead caused many adverse reactions and deaths, many people made a lot of money from Billy No Mates Depopulation Agenda, what happened to the Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg Code 1947, what happened to the Rule of Law? Assisted Dying Bill reminds me of the young blond boy, whose parents wanted to keep him on a life support machine, what happened to Parental Rights, remember the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Doctor's, the parents were not even allowed to move him to a hospice, and another case, the young dark haired girl, who wanted to get treatment abroad, she kept a diary, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Doctor's, her treatment was stopped and she died, what happened to her Human Rights, we live in a country which does not have the death penalty for criminals, so how is this allowed to happen, would the Royal Courts of Justice looked at these cases differently, it is just a question, we need answers? Is it also worth mentioning, there are many authors, who have written best selling books, both fiction and fact, do we really need to pay woke fact checkers to change a copyright? When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes good people in all countries to stand together and work for Peace and Production, rather than Death and Destruction, great research Mark, God Bless you. How to Check Your Vote https://www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com

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Thank you yet again for getting this information out immediately! I’m beyond disgusted, but not surprised. I’m also appalled at the Trojan horse going on with the new appointees that Trump is surrounding himself with. While the Marxist administration currently in place needs to go, too many people have put their trust in the incoming. I’m not feeling optimistic at all. The New World Order marches on.

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We wont wait for the Cavalry , we have to bear this burden ourselves and resist

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I agree. We must stand against evil. This too, we will have to answer for as everything else! Complacency is not an option!

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Yes, Satan Gates needs to be stopped, arrested, tied down, and dragged to a tight-security prison -- at the very least although my imagination goes much further than that..... And I nearly fell off my chair seeing that this sick pedofile was invited to an elementary school to talk about.------ ethics!!!????? What the hell is the matter with people??!!!

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