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AIFLtd, Non-Political Forensic Investigation into Voting Integrity at the U.K. General Election held on 7 May 2015 and Since, the Electoral Commission Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model which has 3 Primary Vote Categories Missing which is NOT Compliant with Electoral Laws nor is it Compliant with the Electoral Commission Own Voting " Count Model for Counting Officers " which the Electoral Commission produced in 2010 to Regulate Elections and used up until November / December 2014, the Electoral Commission by Corrupting Its Own Voting Count Model has caused a Constitutional Crisis, making the House of Commons an Unelected House. How to Check Your Vote https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/alleged-fraud-explained/ When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it Only takes Good People then Justice can be Served.

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