I have yet to write about the nanobots, hydrogel and the 17 million deaths (worldwide) linked to the mRNA injection. Then here, on the other side of the pond (the US) Globalist Corporate media will talk about bodily autonomy when it comes to abortion but nothing when it comes to the right to refuse a mRNA injection. That's because Big Pharma dominates there advertising dollars. As John Lennon once said "just give me some truth." And even worse they are financing "gain of function" (e.g., bioweapons) for a bird flu epidemic. If there were any real justice in this world people like Fauci, Bill Gates and others would be prosecuted. Sadly these global oligarch's remain a protected class.

Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens

We are not going to allow the elites to succeed in gaslighting the public any longer. Japan is uncovering crimes against humanity and the whole world needs to hear this information.





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It boggles my mind when people who take all the shots, still sit still with their head tilted back so someone can swab and scrape the porous cribiform plate that sits right under the brain and deposit nanobots in hydrogel --- all to find out if they have a fake virus even though they took numerous shots to 'protect' against it --- And they ask NO questions! They don't question anything. ROBOTS walking around absorbed in cell phones and submitting to all this. I hope they see what happens one day SOON!!! when they pay no attention to what someone else does to their bodies.

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Thanks for your information. Can you post a link to the documents you are reviewing.

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Now we have to wave our hand under a scanner to get a piece of paper towel in a public restroom, or to get assistance in a Target store to open a case to buy some toxic, over-priced shite.

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Thank you Mark,shared.

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