This is fascinating and made me think. I got a shiite stone that came wrapped in silver wire and on a metal chain that was supposed to protect from EMF energy. However, I noticed it seemed like it was attracting it and I was getting hit with the fiveegee in streetlights when other people were not. I removed it recently and replace it with something else on a thin rope, and I feel so much better. After hearing this talk, I think maybe the metal around that shiite attracted that energy to me. And WOW, that makes so much sense about the metals in the microchips in our pets and the cancers when they are around people all the time using their cell phones, etc.

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What about the news the other day "Facial recognition cameras snare sex offender and assault suspects in Hounslow police operation"? A way for them to make the population think they are a good thing when in the end it is quite the opposite and most won't realize it and fall for the it is for our benefit nonsense.

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