I am always sharing These posts but Facebook removes these posts and calls it spam and goes against their community guide-lines! So we know facebook are part of the agenda!
"If you want to see a true light warrior in action watch this series of three 10 minute video clips of Gary Null's evidence before the NYS Assembly Hearing on Vaccination on 10.13.09. Rarely will you come across such a cogent, fact filled denunciation of vaccinations. This man is magnificent in his passionate advocacy on behalf of often very vulnerable people being forced to accept state approved vaccinations that injure, harm and even kill them."
From what I experience myself (no shots) and newer information (NOT from the mainstream) is that we all pick up viruses when we eat at restaurants, etc. BUT if we have decent health, our body keeps it dormant in our spines and we may never get ill from it. The Epstein-Barr virus has many mutations and, when the immune system is knocked down as in chemo and these current shots, these viruses now can wake up and take over -- and that is what the so-called 'autoimmune' diseases, most likely, really are -- I really believe that because I have three I got soon after chemo in the late 90s. So these people who got the shots, now suddenly have all these 'autoimmune' diseases. I know that 'virus' feeling, though, I get and I really believe these are virus strains from Epstein-Barr. We have fevers off and on and that 'virus' feeling of needing to sleep a lot.
Anyway, so when people tell me they got covid, I grill them --- do you FEEL like you have a virus -- wanting to sleep a lot, a fever, etc? The answer I always get is 'silence' followed by a shaking of the head "no".
this is a Jewish agenda of global genocide perpetrated by JEWS. stfu with your Neo NAZI Jew smear code word indoctrination, lame. NAZI was a slur word coined by a Jew Conrad Heiden to disparage White German National Socialism NSDAP as an aspect of the Jewish dialogue overall propaganda agenda of fomenting hatred of White Germans by Whites globally. & you fell for their holocaust fraud. Soros is a JEW. he identifies as a Jew, therefore he IS a Jew.
Keep exposing the evil ones and call sin by its right name! God’s Holy Law number 6! Thou shalt not kill.
I had to laugh at Mark's 'National HOMICIDE Service.' Its their correct name.
But its no laughing matter when they use 'health' as code for murdering people!
I remember back in 2019 they opened a crematorium 5 minutes from me just in time for the 5th Generation warfare cat is most defo out the bag mark
I am always sharing These posts but Facebook removes these posts and calls it spam and goes against their community guide-lines! So we know facebook are part of the agenda!
If you send an email to ask for what they have and you will be able to make a correlation
Cant find the deagel report for Netherlands. also changed their website.
Sorry Ralph have not got those screen saved
Zoraah Mock
On The Dangers of Vaccines
"If you want to see a true light warrior in action watch this series of three 10 minute video clips of Gary Null's evidence before the NYS Assembly Hearing on Vaccination on 10.13.09. Rarely will you come across such a cogent, fact filled denunciation of vaccinations. This man is magnificent in his passionate advocacy on behalf of often very vulnerable people being forced to accept state approved vaccinations that injure, harm and even kill them."
Gary Null Exposes NWO Big Pharma and their Deadly Vaccines 1 of 3:
For Part 2 (10 minutes) see:
For Part 3 (5' 23') see:
Florida Legislature Refuses to Limit Mercury in Vaccines. See:
83 Cases of Autism Associated with Childhood Vaccine Injury
Compensated in Federal Vaccine Court.
From what I experience myself (no shots) and newer information (NOT from the mainstream) is that we all pick up viruses when we eat at restaurants, etc. BUT if we have decent health, our body keeps it dormant in our spines and we may never get ill from it. The Epstein-Barr virus has many mutations and, when the immune system is knocked down as in chemo and these current shots, these viruses now can wake up and take over -- and that is what the so-called 'autoimmune' diseases, most likely, really are -- I really believe that because I have three I got soon after chemo in the late 90s. So these people who got the shots, now suddenly have all these 'autoimmune' diseases. I know that 'virus' feeling, though, I get and I really believe these are virus strains from Epstein-Barr. We have fevers off and on and that 'virus' feeling of needing to sleep a lot.
Anyway, so when people tell me they got covid, I grill them --- do you FEEL like you have a virus -- wanting to sleep a lot, a fever, etc? The answer I always get is 'silence' followed by a shaking of the head "no".
Thank you for your extensive work. :
Alex Soros: when the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years,
his father (George Soros) had not been eager to advertise his Judaism
because "this was something he was almost killed for."
But he had always "identified firstly as a Jew,"
and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity,
in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups :
( i.e., the Niggers & Muslims that Jews are flooding
all White Western countries with,
to rape, stab, murder, rob, & miscegenate White women
to reduce the White Race globally,
in all countries that the Jew infests occupies & controls.
whereby diversity, pluralism, multiculturalism, browning,
& practical idealism
are all Jew #CodeWords for #WhiteGenocide. )
and also because he recognized that a Jew could only be safe
in a world in which all minorities were protected.
(except the White Race of course).
Explaining his father's motives, he said:
"The reason you fight for an open society is because
that's the only society that you can live in, as a Jew --
unless you become a nationalist and only fight
for your own rights in your own state."
(whereby Soros is spewing Jewish Nationalism as propaganda via analogy:
trying to equivalate it to German Nationalism,
or American Nationalism,
when it is neither.
nor is it nationalism at all,
when Jews have stolen Palestine
via raping, murdering, torturing, starving, poisoning, & sexually molesting
innocent & defenseless Lebanese Palestinian men, women, teenagers & children
in an ongoing 80+ year genocide that is supported by America, Canada, Britain, & Australia
because Jews have occupied & controlled all of these countries for decades
& are now using their militaries as if a Jewish Proxy Army).
this is a Jewish agenda of global genocide perpetrated by JEWS. stfu with your Neo NAZI Jew smear code word indoctrination, lame. NAZI was a slur word coined by a Jew Conrad Heiden to disparage White German National Socialism NSDAP as an aspect of the Jewish dialogue overall propaganda agenda of fomenting hatred of White Germans by Whites globally. & you fell for their holocaust fraud. Soros is a JEW. he identifies as a Jew, therefore he IS a Jew.
You missed out the Satanists that run them all , funny that