Thank you again Mark. Excellent post.

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So true about people being fooled into thinking LED is perfectly safe. All Christmas lights now are LED and you can't find anything else unless you get an older set from somewhere. Can't find anything else in the stores now.

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They bring in communism by killing a large percentage of the people. They've already told us the US population will be between 50-90 million by 2050. They have kept their word on everything they said they'd do to us. (See: Source Docs at www.stopthecrime.net.)

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I'm chipped all over my head and body. I can feel the LED's, they cause hot flashes and inflammation all over my body and in my brain. I can see the radiation when I close my eyes. I see pulses of sunburst patterns. At one time, when I'd close my eyes, it was like staring at a dark sky full of camera flashes. All night, for a week, I experienced that. My eyes and eye sockets burned. I couldn't sleep because of the brightness of flashes I could see with my eyes closed.

I've found tiny surgical scars on my face. Four on my left eyelid where they created flaps they could pull back to insert implants. One between my eyebrows where they inserted a pad type chip, and a long device running along my brow line, maybe a wire inside a stent with chips attached. There's a round device embedded in the bone above my right eye and a surgical scar about three cm long near it. Fat deposits have formed near this round device. Three devices were implanted under the skin on the crown of my scalp. One was implanted by two Chinese guys when I fell asleep in my car one morning. Two were implanted when I was sleeping in my home. I found them when I woke up and felt intense itching on my crown, and where it itched I felt a tiny incision with a little fluid coming out of it, and under the incision, some hard, flat device protruding about 2 mm above the skull with an air pocket formed around it. This happened three times. Three devices in my crown.

Devices are attached to the muscles in my legs, I can feel them, they're about one cm long and a half cm wide. One detached and moved a couple inches, and reattached itself to muscle somehow. A dermatologist told me, "Oh, that's just an attachment." Of the large surgical scar above my right eye, she said, "I can tell it's a surgical scar, but other people can't tell."

All of these devices transmit the radiation from the LED's, from computers and phones, and from the LED array SUN SIMULATOR satellite straight into my tissues, amplifying the effect dramatically. The sun simulator is misery for me. What should be a wonderful summer day is instead hell on earth with LED's blasting radiation inside my body so I feel like I'm going to die.

It's coming for all of you. You don't protest, you don't vote these people out, now they're going to get all of you.

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Thank you Mark.

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