Excellent reports on a damning technology.

Yet, this particular delivery format is presented in locked and useable fashion.

***I find people are incredibly lazy.

They need to have these outsized crimes presented right to their face.

Please make your productions downloadable to your average visitor.***

We need to spread the message, over and over again.

Few of our ignorant friends will make the effort to even click the link.

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These information broadcasts are produced to be seen and shared by all

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Mark thank you so much for all you teach us. God bless you ! I have been listening to you for years now back when you were under Mark Anthony, Anthony Steele.. Lost you for a short time then caught on again. I would love to share your crucial information but do not see RE STACK button as I do on other channels. Is there a way I can have your posts on my channel to share? Wishing you & yours a lovely Christmas Season. Not many more if they have their way. Our small town in Australia is slated or at least listed on The Northern Lights Project (Sounds so innocent & pretty) for Tenterfield ,NSW Australia. NO need for new street lights the present are just fine. Tiny rural town no one is out at night save for picking up or going out for food. I see we have a new mayor & would like your advice as to how to approach them about declining on the proposed LED st furniture. Any particular links you can send along to educate me prior to approaching her. I am Canadian & just a resident so must tread softly as it were. I know its the same NATO prison her as CDA but at least it isn't as cold. : ) Thanks Mark. Big respect going out to you Sir.

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Thats bizarre you should be able to restack

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Keep up the great info. Many are with you.

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Applied I F Limited, Non-Political Forensic Investigation into Voting Integrity at U.K. General Election held on 7 May 2015 and Since, the Electoral Commission Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model which has 3 Primary Vote Categories Missing, which allows Ghost Votes to be Added on an Industrial Scale, which is NOT Compliant with Electoral Laws causing a Constitutional Crisis, Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. Thou Shalt not Kill is One of God's Ten Commandments and Genocide is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com Awakening to the Truth

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Humanity under attacks from directions the evil Globalists are in killing berserk

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