Just a few days ago in my area a substation-type building for City Fibre burst into flames where the black billowing smoke could be seen for miles. I did a recce on that building at the start of the scamdemic with a mate telling him when people start waking up to this then these are the structures that would need to go. It is housed in an old former quarry and the size of a container with 8 cameras on it. If it was not important why the 8 cameras? Also, no-one's broadband or mobile phone signal went down which was surprising considering they claim to be supplying a lot of the providers like Vodafone and a lot more networks. I don't know the cause but a lot of power goes to those type of things.

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Been a sideline watcher of yours since the beginning Mark. Been up and down regarding trust for myself on so many truthers for the past 10 years. Seeing the attacks and supposed evidence of your deception and "controlled oposition" has been well and truly killed dead with the tireless work you are doing. I wish I had the drive you do and the means to put it into action. I see so much of the real truths and KNOW what is what . Many of us seem to have been wide awake and waiting for the sheep to stop being led by the slaughter goats. I pray constantly that the truth will release the beast ,so to speak and hate seeing Britain being destroyed by their agenda 21 bullshit. You are a true Patriot and warrior Mark and I only wish I could do more to accelerate your truthful fact finding and total honesty on the 5g weapons too. The pulses are so nefarious and satanic , they know vibration is everything and I pray that the world's will rise massively to overload their own intentions. Keep that armour of God firmly bickled Brother.

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