In addition to geoengineering, the impacts of 5G/mmWave lamps/towers is wreaking havoc on all pollinators, small animals, plants etc... pile-driving the final nail into the extinction coffin. Unfortunately, in the US, sheep think Trump and his team - even RFK - will save us. They will not. Trump, Musk, RFK and others who've met with the C-level execs from Pfizer/GSK - and whom are also part of the team expanding the US Space Force/Space Fence technologies (and have been for years) are ALL part of the Reset. It's all about "track, trace and terminate" (excellent quote mark) Wakey. Wakey.

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excellent report mark

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I hope people wake up soon.

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Yes, I hope it is soon, too. I see progress because the evil ones are overplaying their hand lately! They are rushing things up, and faster they do, the faster people wake up. With all these DEW and smart meter fires in LA, people are noticing -- WHAT kind of fire is this? They are keeping people out so they don't figure it out, but aerial photo shows everyone the houses are decimated while the trees are green and fine. The water was also turned off and their ins. cancelled so people are waking up quickly -- and it's about time!

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It’s all speculation but seems very likely being on our side and seeing the scope of evil first hand. And we know the extent there willing to go to is limitless. Theyre defiantly not playing by the same rules as the rest of us. There not flawless. I agree there slipping to the point they have so many mistakes. There not smart on the ground level. There guiltiness we’ll catch them in the end.

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The more we expose the cult the more desperate and the more mistakes they make, and they are terrified that the veil that once hid them from sight is slipping daily

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