Hi ya mark, top man. I'm Dave Green from Watford, I am in a council flat ground floor and I have a smart meter, how can I go about getting the thing removed, all the best, and keep up all your good work for the people of this world kind regards Dave

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Great work as ever Mark Steele thank you. 5G with covid jab nanoparticles definitely a weapon system, designed to depopulate. Absolutely irrefutable evidence. Turbo-cancers, neurological diseases. Military Industrial Complex. Assisted suicide. Join the dots...

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Look up Demon Hunter channel on BitCHUTE or Rumble.

JESUS IS THE WINNER | ™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis


You're the Almighty God English Version Official |™King of Kings| Nikos & Pelagia Politis


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At this point I question if there is any chance to wake the sleeping giant called society up. The citizenry doesn't understand anything at all. Looks like the next great reset is about to begin.

Digital prison.....ensured death. Just take me out back the chemcial shed & shoot me now as I will NEVER EVER comply. I will die standing on my feet as I only bend my knee to THE ALMIGHTY GOD MY FATHER. The rest of you are welcome to worship satan the father of all lies & join the beast system to save your sad & sorry SKINbag. I say kiss my ass goodbye & move up, those who try to save their bodies will lose their soul. There is a war on for our souls......anyhow if you comply you die anyhow only you get chalked up on the side of the losers.

Keep the FAITH.....JESUS IS THE WINNER. Time to put on your full armour of God & fight the good fight.

JESUS IS THE WINNER | ™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis


You're the Almighty God English Version Official |™King of Kings| Nikos & Pelagia Politis


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What they started doing here in the US on the west coast is they using these 5G masts that look like 'poles' and putting store signs, hotel signs, and gas station signs on the top! And they often use TWO 5G masts for one sign. It's all over the bloody place now. They think they are disguising is but it's only fooling the fools (of which, sadly, there are many). I feel like we are all surrounded by men with guns who can shoot any time they wish. We may as well be.

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WE ARE. The Great Reset has happened many times before it appears 'the fallen angels'donning human skin wipe us out enmass every few hundred years & start over on another test on how to be served best & then wipe us out again. THIS IS GENOCIDE....OMNICIDE really as they are killing all life to replace with TransHumans & robotics. Time to put on our full armour of God & SLEEP IN IT !

Check out JonathanKleck.com, Demon Hunter & Dustin Nemos channels to learn who/what is doing this to humanity & why. All on BitCHUTE & Rumble. The enemy owns & controls YT. Good luck & Godspeed fellow human. I hope you knew not to take their DePopClotShot.

JESUS IS THE WINNER | ™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis


You're the Almighty God English Version Official |™King of Kings| Nikos & Pelagia Politis


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Thank you Mark, you are a warrior of The ONE true God an Angel in disguise. I have been following your wisdom shared since the days of Anthony ! God bless you mate!

It's beyond obvious at this point there is a war on for the soul of mankind.

JESUS IS THE WINNER | ™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis


You're the Almighty God English Version Official |™King of Kings| Nikos & Pelagia Politis


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