Excellent presentations of the fix we are in! I admire Attorney Todd Calendar's astute sense of the law. Of course we immediately have to get rid of those so-called 5G towers and the cell phones and WiFi and blue light devices and so on so forth. But there lies the problem. There is not even the acknowledgement of the disastrous effects of the poisonous injections among the population and consequently people are not taking care of their health and so, they are getting increasingly sick and sicker. As if this is not enough in itself, so many people now live in dismal conditions. AND lets not underestimate this new distraction from our hard reality: people are just fascinated by the «New» Administration in the US. People want to be saved instead of taking the bull by the horns and doing this on their own. So how do we answer Mr Calendar's final question then? Are we allowing all of this or not?
This is a Catch-22 scenario... Anyone who adds their name to any publicly accessible court doc. (And we all obviously understand they'd know the exact second we make the decision to sign anyway) could/would, in effect, be signing themselves up for the short list of those needing to be taken out first.
There are already people (groups?) who are claiming to be compiling names of T.I.'s for a supposed class action suit who are actually stacking life insurance policies as a sure bet they'll be paid when those T.I.'s go down.
Any chance we may have might require a law to be written that makes it illegal for anyone to profit from the death's (Murder!) of T.I.'s.. This should be done immediately to throw the bottom feeders off their game.
There is that risk and it is up to each individual to decide. Personally I don't believe they'll ever get compensation anyway. In my view this is about protecting Life.
Jesus Christ knows all, He’s allowing us to see the truth about the evil hearts of people, Jesus show me my own heart! Change ME to be the person you designed me to be for your own glory, for service to you and others! Amen
As some of you may already know, I am very sensitive to wireless frequencies. After the bioweapon shots began, a man came to my home for my seamstress services and he had just received the shot a few hours before. He was in my home for a short time before I began to experience side effects from exposure to cell phone radiation. I asked him if he had a cell phone with him and he said it was out in the yard in his car. I could feel it building and I was sure he was mistaken so we walked out to the car to check so he could turn it off. He turned it off and came back into the house and the side effects continued. I later found out that people who received the shots will resonate with the wireless frequencies. I was experiencing those emissions resonating from his body. I now live very far away from everything in the woods. I still feel frequencies as towers seem to be everywhere now. I can see one from my home in the distance approx. 2 km. away. There is nowhere to hide anymore. Take a stand and write to all of the politicians just to let them what you know. Thank you.
We have checked many hundreds of people now and about 87% of vaccinated are emitting a BLE MAC signal , this is a very low emission coming from them,, but as biological transceivers, they will attract and reflect out more EMF than normal human wetware
What I found astounding is this man didn't feel anything, at least not in that moment. I haven't seen him since. Perhaps he is no longer with us as I understand this can cause health issues and perhaps lead to one of those died suddenly cases. Horrible state of affairs. Thank you for your response.
Thanks gentlemen .Terrifying of course .So I understand we get shed on by the vaxed and will be even more so w`hen the SA mRNA shots get around . So then don’t we all get the mRNA components of the vax including the DNA modification and gene alteration?
A doc somewhere in the world -on Substack short post today -stated the judge in the case of a guy who died from the shot could not be paid out by his insurance company because everyone who takes the shots should know it might kill them therefore the client had committed suicide because he should have known that the shots are lethal for many!
The website Todd mentioned (intersona.com) is a soft furnishings site and I can’t find anything with a similar URL related to what he was talking about.
He mentions it at 33:33 (I'm sure that doesn't mean anything). Listening to it again, he actually says impersona.com (p not t) which redirects to vyvo.com and that mentions IoT, biometrics and AI.
I'd be interested in any specifics Todd has seen that lead him to the conclusion that this is next level transhumanism, effectively an API for whatever the hell is now inside these vax victims. There's an element with all this stuff that, as with the cameras you've dissected, you need to somehow get your hands on their hardware and software to reverse engineer it.
Where's everybody?! Probably watching/listening to some more Trump Bullshit! This is really bad and frankly, I was expecting that to happen because they spent SOOOO much money and time planning this... Anyway, I salute your sobering work.
The other 'benefit' with all the illness and depression is the increased Medical profits, making money hand over fist, always did but profits have really gone stratospheric since '20
Excellent presentations of the fix we are in! I admire Attorney Todd Calendar's astute sense of the law. Of course we immediately have to get rid of those so-called 5G towers and the cell phones and WiFi and blue light devices and so on so forth. But there lies the problem. There is not even the acknowledgement of the disastrous effects of the poisonous injections among the population and consequently people are not taking care of their health and so, they are getting increasingly sick and sicker. As if this is not enough in itself, so many people now live in dismal conditions. AND lets not underestimate this new distraction from our hard reality: people are just fascinated by the «New» Administration in the US. People want to be saved instead of taking the bull by the horns and doing this on their own. So how do we answer Mr Calendar's final question then? Are we allowing all of this or not?
We will not be able to save all Souls
I also think very few of us will survive this hellish war. This is becoming clearer by the day.
This is a Catch-22 scenario... Anyone who adds their name to any publicly accessible court doc. (And we all obviously understand they'd know the exact second we make the decision to sign anyway) could/would, in effect, be signing themselves up for the short list of those needing to be taken out first.
There are already people (groups?) who are claiming to be compiling names of T.I.'s for a supposed class action suit who are actually stacking life insurance policies as a sure bet they'll be paid when those T.I.'s go down.
Any chance we may have might require a law to be written that makes it illegal for anyone to profit from the death's (Murder!) of T.I.'s.. This should be done immediately to throw the bottom feeders off their game.
Petition Time!?
There is that risk and it is up to each individual to decide. Personally I don't believe they'll ever get compensation anyway. In my view this is about protecting Life.
Jesus Christ knows all, He’s allowing us to see the truth about the evil hearts of people, Jesus show me my own heart! Change ME to be the person you designed me to be for your own glory, for service to you and others! Amen
As some of you may already know, I am very sensitive to wireless frequencies. After the bioweapon shots began, a man came to my home for my seamstress services and he had just received the shot a few hours before. He was in my home for a short time before I began to experience side effects from exposure to cell phone radiation. I asked him if he had a cell phone with him and he said it was out in the yard in his car. I could feel it building and I was sure he was mistaken so we walked out to the car to check so he could turn it off. He turned it off and came back into the house and the side effects continued. I later found out that people who received the shots will resonate with the wireless frequencies. I was experiencing those emissions resonating from his body. I now live very far away from everything in the woods. I still feel frequencies as towers seem to be everywhere now. I can see one from my home in the distance approx. 2 km. away. There is nowhere to hide anymore. Take a stand and write to all of the politicians just to let them what you know. Thank you.
We have checked many hundreds of people now and about 87% of vaccinated are emitting a BLE MAC signal , this is a very low emission coming from them,, but as biological transceivers, they will attract and reflect out more EMF than normal human wetware
What I found astounding is this man didn't feel anything, at least not in that moment. I haven't seen him since. Perhaps he is no longer with us as I understand this can cause health issues and perhaps lead to one of those died suddenly cases. Horrible state of affairs. Thank you for your response.
check out the true meaning of a very old greek word pharmekeia...also check out a page called the expose....also check out dr vernon coleman
We Know This , and thanks
Thanks gentlemen .Terrifying of course .So I understand we get shed on by the vaxed and will be even more so w`hen the SA mRNA shots get around . So then don’t we all get the mRNA components of the vax including the DNA modification and gene alteration?
A doc somewhere in the world -on Substack short post today -stated the judge in the case of a guy who died from the shot could not be paid out by his insurance company because everyone who takes the shots should know it might kill them therefore the client had committed suicide because he should have known that the shots are lethal for many!
Thank you Mark for all you've been doing for years and continue to do.
We must continue to try to get people to understand exactly where we are. God bless you Mark.
The website Todd mentioned (intersona.com) is a soft furnishings site and I can’t find anything with a similar URL related to what he was talking about.
Hi Gus please send us the timeline on the Video when Todd mentioned this and we will check
Hi Mark
He mentions it at 33:33 (I'm sure that doesn't mean anything). Listening to it again, he actually says impersona.com (p not t) which redirects to vyvo.com and that mentions IoT, biometrics and AI.
I'd be interested in any specifics Todd has seen that lead him to the conclusion that this is next level transhumanism, effectively an API for whatever the hell is now inside these vax victims. There's an element with all this stuff that, as with the cameras you've dissected, you need to somehow get your hands on their hardware and software to reverse engineer it.
Where's everybody?! Probably watching/listening to some more Trump Bullshit! This is really bad and frankly, I was expecting that to happen because they spent SOOOO much money and time planning this... Anyway, I salute your sobering work.
Fucking Freemason
Do you Renounce Satan and all his works
The other 'benefit' with all the illness and depression is the increased Medical profits, making money hand over fist, always did but profits have really gone stratospheric since '20