Thanks again Mark for all you do to try and inform everyone. God bless you.

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It's a little encouraging to hear how badly the evil ones are failing. I remember that video I saw (which is now only on Rumble) where a guy in the US was hired by the military to figure out the success of their evil plan (which was planned decades ago). He said by the time of 2012, "timelines had converged" and this tech guy told them there was no way their plan would succeed because of the "waking up factor" of people. So these evil ones knew danged well the extremely high rate of failure their evil plan would have. And now they are waking up to the truth -- but , boy, we're dealing with the sickest minds in that group so they want to do as much damage as possible before they go down (that's my opinion, anyway)

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Take no jabs

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Horrific. I the Lord I never fell for it.

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Thank that should be

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